Award Categories

Friday 8 August 2025 | THE STAR EVENT CENTRE


Individual Awards

This award recognises the most outstanding department head in a school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Demonstrated commitment and drive to lead
  • Consistently high standards of teaching
  • Leadership of innovation and improvement in curriculum delivery and student learning
  • Commitment to professional development and collaboration with colleagues to address student learning needs
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all department heads currently employed in a school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of department head at the time of nomination. Acting department heads who have acted in the role for a continuous period of more than 12 months are also eligible for this award.

This award recognises the most outstanding deputy principal in a school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Effective leadership, motivation of staff and support to the school principal
  • Commitment to professional development (self and staff)
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Leadership of innovation and change within the school
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all deputy principals currently employed in a school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of deputy principal at the time of nomination.

(Please note Head of Schools are not eligible for this award.)

This award recognises the most outstanding teacher in a school in Australia who has been an educator for five years or less. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Positive impact on students’ learning experiences and outcomes
  • Commitment to professional development and collaboration with colleagues to address student learning needs
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community
  • Demonstrated commitment to the education profession and potential to become a future school leader

This award is open to all teachers currently employed in a school in Australia. Nominees must have become educators on or after 1 January 2019.

This award recognises the most outstanding principal of a government primary school in Australia in the 2023 academic year.. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Effective leadership and motivation of staff
  • Commitment to professional development (self and staff)
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Leadership of innovation and change within the school
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community


This award is open to all principals currently employed in a public primary school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of principal at the time of nomination. Acting principals who have acted in the role for a continuous period of more than 12 months are also eligible for this award.

(Please note Head of Schools are not eligible for this award.)

This award recognises the most outstanding principal of a non-government primary school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Effective leadership and motivation of staff
  • Commitment to professional development (self and staff)
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Leadership of innovation and change within the school
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all principals currently employed in a non-government primary school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of principal at the time of nomination. Acting principals who have acted in the role for a continuous period of more than 12 months are also eligible for this award.

(Please note Head of Schools are not eligible for this award.)

This award recognises the most outstanding government primary school teacher in an Australian school in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered: 

  • Consistently high standards of teaching
  • Innovation in developing students and supporting their learning
  • Commitment to professional development and collaboration with colleagues to address student learning needs
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all government primary school teachers currently employed in a school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of teacher at the time of nomination.


This award recognises the most outstanding non-government primary school teacher in an Australian school in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered: 

  • Consistently high standards of teaching
  • Innovation in developing students and supporting their learning
  • Commitment to professional development and collaboration with colleagues to address student learning needs
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all non-government primary school teachers currently employed in a school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of teacher at the time of nomination.


This award recognises the most outstanding principal of a government secondary or K-12 school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Effective leadership and motivation of staff
  • Commitment to professional development (self and staff)
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Leadership of innovation and change within the school
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all principals currently employed in a public secondary or K-12 school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of principal at the time of nomination. Acting principals who have acted in the role for a continuous period of more than 12 months are also eligible for this award.

(Please note Head of Schools are not eligible for this award.)

This award recognises the most outstanding principal of a non-government secondary or K-12 school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Effective leadership and motivation of staff
  • Commitment to professional development (self and staff)
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Leadership of innovation and change within the school
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all principals currently employed in a non-government secondary or K-12 school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of principal at the time of nomination. Acting principals who have acted in the role for a continuous period of more than 12 months are also eligible for this award.

(Please note Head of Schools are not eligible for this award.)

This award recognises the most outstanding government secondary school teacher in an Australian school in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered: 

  • Consistently high standards of teaching
  • Innovation in developing students and supporting their learning
  • Commitment to professional development and collaboration with colleagues to address student learning needs
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all government secondary school teachers currently employed in a school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of teacher at the time of nomination.

This award recognises the most outstanding non-government secondary school teacher in an Australian school in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered: 

  • Consistently high standards of teaching
  • Innovation in developing students and supporting their learning
  • Commitment to professional development and collaboration with colleagues to address student learning needs
  • Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This award is open to all non-government secondary school teachers currently employed in a school in Australia. Nominees must be in the role of teacher at the time of nomination.

Curriculum Awards

This award recognises the most outstanding co-curricular program or initiative developed by a school in Australia, including special needs support programs in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Objectives of the co-curricular program and how it supports classroom learning
  • Variety and scope of the co-curricular program
  • Degree of student participation and engagement with the program and its effectiveness in developing personal skills
  • Evidence of stakeholder consultation and feedback

This award recognises the most outstanding STEM-based project or education program implemented by a school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Demonstrated school leadership and support of STEM education
  • Consistently high standards of STEM teaching
  • Staff participation in professional learning and collaboration to improve STEM education 
  • Evidence of student engagement and outcomes in the 2023 school year


This award recognises excellence in the use of education technology by an Australian school in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • How the technology has fulfilled a need in or outside the classroom
  • Impact of the technology on the school
  • Change management and implementation process
  • Evidence the technology has supported student learning outcomes 

This award recognises excellence in curriculum design in an Australian school in the 2023 academic year. The innovation can be school-wide or subject specific. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consultation and engagement to determine the need for innovation
  • Stakeholder engagement and school community consultation in the design process
  • Strong leadership at all levels to support innovation
  • Change management and implementation process
  • Evaluation of the impact on student learning

This award recognises excellence in the design of a student learning environment in an Australian school in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consultation and engagement to determine the need for innovation
  • Stakeholder engagement and school community consultation in the design process
  • How the learning environment reflects pedagogy
  • Change management and implementation process to transition into the new space
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the learning environment

To be eligible the project must have been completed in 2023.

School Awards

This award recognises the best first nations education program developed by a school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • How the school is developing skills and attitudes that drive positive physical and mental health outcomes for Indigenous students
  • Examples of constructive partnerships with parents and community members
  • Training and support provided to, and by teachers, for a safe and supportive school environment for all
  • Examples of how the school provides quality education in a culturally inclusive environment
  • Tangible outcomes of the program, with a focus on the last two years

This award recognises the most outstanding professional (staff) learning and development program or initiative implemented in an Australian school in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Innovation and excellence in program design and delivery
  • Demonstrated support for individual professional learning and links to individual and school-wide learning priorities
  • Contribution to improved student learning outcomes
  • Effective collaboration, reflection and feedback

This award recognises the best strategic plan developed by a school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. The plan can apply school-wide or to a specific project. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consultation and engagement with the school community
  • Demonstrated strategic development of the plan to ensure it meets defined school needs and business objectives
  • Implementation process that includes clear priorities and goals in defined timeframes
  • Results and progress to date

This award recognises the most outstanding program or initiative developed by a school in Australia in the 2023 academic year to improve student health and wellbeing. The program or initiative can apply to the entire school or a targeted group of students. When judging this award the following criteria will be considered:

  • Innovation and excellence in program design and delivery
  • Integration of wellbeing into students’ overall learning and education
  • Contribution to improved student learning outcomes
  • Effective collaboration, reflection and feedback

This award recognises the most oustanding boarding school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consistently high standards of teaching and learning
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Rigorous professional learning to improve teaching and curriculum delivery
  • Strong communication links with students, parents, teachers and the wider community
  • Effective management of facilities, finances and human resources
  • Demonstrated commitment to innovation and continuous improvement
  • Provision of a supportive home environment focused on student wellbeing

This award is open to all schools providing boarding facilities in Australia.

This award recognises the most outstanding government primary school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consistently high standards of teaching and learning
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Rigorous professional learning to improve teaching and curriculum delivery
  • Strong communication links with students, parents, teachers and the wider community
  • Effective management of facilities, finances and human resources
  • Demonstrated commitment to innovation and continuous improvement 

This award is open to all government primary schools in Australia. 

This award recognises the most outstanding non-government primary school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consistently high standards of teaching and learning
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Rigorous professional learning to improve teaching and curriculum delivery
  • Strong communication links with students, parents, teachers and the wider community
  • Effective management of facilities, finances and human resources
  • Demonstrated commitment to innovation and continuous improvement

This award is open to all non-government primary schools in Australia. 


This award recognises the most outstanding school in a regional or rural area in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consistently high standards of teaching and learning
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Rigorous professional learning to improve teaching and curriculum delivery
  • Strong communication links with students, parents, teachers and the wider community
  • Effective management of facilities, finances and human resources
  • Demonstrated commitment to innovation and continuous improvement

This award is open to all schools in Australia that are located outside of major capital cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra).

This award recognises the most outstanding government secondary school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consistently high standards of teaching and learning
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Rigorous professional learning to improve teaching and curriculum delivery
  • Strong communication links with students, parents, teachers and the wider community
  • Effective management of facilities, finances and human resources
  • Demonstrated commitment to innovation and continuous improvement

This award is open to all government secondary schools in Australia. 

This award recognises the most outstanding non-government secondary school in Australia in the 2023 academic year. When judging this category, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consistently high standards of teaching and learning
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Rigorous professional learning to improve teaching and curriculum delivery
  • Strong communication links with students, parents, teachers and the wider community
  • Effective management of facilities, finances and human resources
  • Demonstrated commitment to innovation and continuous improvement

This award is open to all non-government secondary schools in Australia. 

This award recognises the most outstanding school in Australia tin the 2023 academic year hat provides care and education to students with special needs. When judging this award the following criteria will be considered:

  • Consistently high standards of teaching and learning
  • Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
  • Rigorous professional learning to improve teaching and curriculum delivery
  • Strong communication links with students, parents, teachers and the wider community
  • Effective management of facilities, finances and human resources
  • Demonstrated commitment to innovation and continuous improvement

National Awards

This award recognises the most outstanding school in Australia. The excellence awardees in this category will comprise the winners of the following categories:

– Primary School of the Year – Government
– Primary School of the Year – Non-Government
– Secondary School of the Year – Government
– Secondary School of the Year – Non-Government
– Special Education School of the Year

When judging this category, the following criteria will be considered:

– Consistently high standards of teaching and learning
– Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
– Rigorous professional learning to improve teaching and curriculum delivery
– Strong communication links with students, parents, teachers and the wider -community
– Effective management of facilities, finances and human resources
– Demonstrated commitment to innovation and continuous improvement

This category is not open for nominations. Excellence awardees will be announced at the Australian Education Awards

This award recognises the most outstanding school principal in Australia. The excellence awardees in this category will comprise the winners of the following categories:

– Primary School Principal of the Year – Government
– Primary School Principal of the Year – Non-government
– School Principal of the Year – Government
– School Principal of the Year – Non-government

When judging this category, the following criteria will be considered:

– Effective leadership and motivation of staff
– Commitment to professional development (self and staff)
– Academic and other achievements during the 2023 school year
– Leadership of innovation and change within the school
– Engagement with parents and the wider school community

This category is not open for nominations. Excellence awardees will be announced at the Australian Education Awards